Monday, May 21, 2007

Nitro PDF Professional v5.2.0.5

Nitro PDF PRO là trình thay thế cho Adobe Acrobat trong việc thiết kế và tạo các tập tin PDF một cách dễ dàng hơn. Bạn có thể soạn thảo, sắp xếp nội dung trang PDF và sau đó sử dụng máy in ảo do Nitro PDF tạo ra để sản xuất hàng loạt các tập tin PDF như ý muốn. Với phiên bản 5.1, Nitro PDF PRO có thể chuyển đổi PDF sang file Word và kết hợp (Combine) nhiều tập tin PDF thành 1,…

Nitro PDF Professional is a high-quality, affordable PDF creation and editing application that puts the full power of PDF within everyone’s reach. In addition to providing the basics — powerful, robust PDF creation at an extremely affordable price — Nitro PDF Professional includes the full range of top-shelf PDF functionality, opening up new vistas for current and new users of PDF.

Nitro PDF Professional is the PDF tool everyone can afford.

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

SWF Decompiler v3.6


· Converts SWF to FLA completely and quickly.
· Decompiles Flash Movie (swf, exe) successfully.
· SWF in all versions can be imported, decompiled and converted to FLA(6.0 or 7.0 or 8.0 ).
· Decompiles, displays and extracts all Flash movie elements in groups, such as Shape, Morph · · Shape, Image, Sound, Font, Text, Sprite, Button, Frame and Action.
· Supports AS2.0 completely.
· Supports expanding the sprite frame by frame. New
· Supplies SWF Catcher for Firefox and IE.
· Supports converting the swf that contains components to fla file.
· Includes font linkage in the converted FLA. New
· Supports exporting ActionScript in .as format.
· Supports converting swf that contains video to FLA.
· Extracts the video file from a Flash movie and export it in *.flv format.
· Besides recovering the static text to text, Sothink SWF Decompiler offers the function of converting static text to shape.
· Has a built-in Flash viewer to view and play the Flash movies you select.
· User-friendly Explorer-like interface.

Download from :

» SWF Decompiler v3.5 (3.1MB)
» Add-on

100 Years Ago

· Plutonium, insulin, and antibiotics hadn't been discovered yet. Scotch tape, crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented.
There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.
One in ten U.S. adults couldn't read or write. Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.

· Các chất pluton, insulin và các chất kháng sinh chưa được điều chế. Băng keo trong, những câu đố ô chữ, bia đóng chai và trà đá vẫn chưa được phát minh.

Chưa có Ngày lễ của mẹ, Ngày lễ của bố.

Trong mười người Mỹ trưởng thành thì có một người không biết đọc và viết. Chỉ 6% dân số Mỹ tốt nghiệp trung học.

· Some medical authorities warned that professional seamstresses were apt to become sexually aroused by the steady rhythm, hour after hour, of the sewing machine's foot pedals. They recommended slipping bromide, which was thought to diminish sexual desire,into the woman's drinking water.

· Một số chuyên gia y học đã cảnh báo rằng những cô thợ may chuyên nghiệp dễ bị kích động sinh lý bởi nhịp điệu đều đặn hàng giờ của bàn đạp máy may. Họ cũng khuyên nên bỏ thuốc an thần vào trong nước uống của những người phụ nữ này, loại thuốc này được cho là sẽ giảm bớt sự mong muốn giới tính

· Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at corner drugstores. According to one pharmacist, "Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and the bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health. Coca-Cola contained cocaine instead of caffeine.

· Cần sa, heroin và mócphin đều có sẵn ở khắp các quầy trong nhiều nhà thuốc. Theo một dược sỹ thì heroin làm sáng làn da, tạo sự sảng khoái cho đầu óc, điều hòa dạ dày và ruột, và thực sự là một người bảo vệ hoàn hảo cho sức khỏe. Coca-cola chứa chất cocain thay cho chất cafein.

· Punch card data processing had recently been developed, and early predecessors of the modern computer were used for the first time by the government to help compile the 1900 census.

· Việc xử lý dữ liệu bằng phiếu đục lỗ gần đây đã được triển khai, phiên bản gốc của máy tính hiện đại được chính phủ sử dụng lần đầu tiên để thu thập dữ liệu điều tra dân số năm 1900.

· Eighteen percent of households in the United States had at least one full-time servant or domestic.

· 18% gia đình ở Mỹ có ít nhất một người phục vụ hay người hầu ở trong nhà.

· Ninety percent of all U.S. physicians had no college education. Instead, they attended medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press and by the government as "substandard."

· 90% bác sỹ ở Mỹ chưa tốt nghiệp đại học. Họ chỉ học ở những trường y học mà đa số những trường này bị chính phủ chỉ trích là không đủ tiêu chuẩn.

· Most women only washed their hair once a month and used borax or egg yolks for shampoo.

· Đa số phụ nữ chỉ gội đầu một tháng một lần và họ dùng chất borax hoặc lòng đỏ trứng gà thay cho dầu gội đầu.

· Canada passed a law prohibiting poor people from entering the country for any reason, either as travelers or immigrants.

· Canada ra luật cấm những người nghèo đi vào nước này với bất kỳ lý do gì, kể cả khách du lịch và người nhập cư.

· The five leading causes of death in the U.S. were: 1. Pneumonia and influenza 2. Tuberculosis 3. Diarrhea 4. Heart disease 5. Stroke

· Năm nguyên nhân chính dẫn đến tử vong ở Mỹ là: 1. Viêm phổi và cúm, 2. Bệnh lao, 3. Bệnh tiêu chảy, 4. Bệnh tim mạch, 5. Đột quỵ.

· The American flag had 45 stars. Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii and Alaska hadn't been admitted to the Union yet.

· Lá cờ của Mỹ mới chỉ có 45 ngôi sao. Các bang Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii và Alaska vẫn chưa được nhận vào liên bang.

· The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower.

· Kiến trúc cao nhất thế giới là Tháp Eiffel.

· More than 95 percent of all births in the United States took place at home.

· Hơn 95% ca sinh đẻ trên nước Mỹ là diễn ra tại gia.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Robocon 2007


The legend of Ha Long has it that, 'Once upon a time, soon after the Viet people established their country, invaders came. The Jade Emperor sent Mother Dragon and her Child Dragons down to earth to help the Viet people fight against their enemy. Right at the time invaders' boats were rushing to the shore, the dragons landed down on earth. The dragons immediately sent out from their mouths a lot of pearls, which then turned into thousands of stone islands emerging in the sea like great walls challenging the invaders' boats. The fast boats couldn't manage to stop and crashed into the islands and into each other and broke into pieces.

After the victory, Mother Dragon and Child Dragons didn't return Heaven but stayed on earth at the place where the battle had occurred. The location Mother Dragon landed is nowadays Ha long Bay and where Child Dragons descended is now Bai Tu Long.

Ha Long is the wonderful and skilful masterpiece of the Creation and of nature that only Vietnam was bestowed. Ha Long has become the pride of not only the locals but also of all Vietnamese people when it was twice recognized as the World Natural Heritage by UNESCO for its geographical and geomorphologic values. With its unique beauty, Ha Long is one of the most ideal destinations in Vietnam.

The rules of Robocon 2007 are built basing on this legend of Ha Long. A team of robots (symbolizing dragons) will carry the blocks having the shape of cylinder (symbolizing pearls) to build various kinds of islands symbolizing 'Ha Long'; and 'Bai Tu Long' . The first team to complete the building of 'Victory islands' (in the shape of letter V in the centre of the Game Field) will be the winner. Duration of the game is three minutes.

Hompage :

Consumers braced for higher rates

Will consumers carry on shopping?
The vast majority of UK consumers are resigned to higher interest rates, a Lloyds TSB survey suggests.
Eight out of 10 consumers said they expected UK interest rates to be higher a year from now.

In addition, three quarters of consumers expect price inflation to rise over the next twelve months.

But despite the gloom over prices and rates, consumers felt more confident about keeping their job in April than they had done the previous month.

We're likely to see some slowdown in consumer spending but with job security remaining strong, the impact won't be drastic

Trevor Williams, Lloyds TSB

In total, 76% of consumers said they felt secure in their job.

Overall, the bank said consumers would take recent interest rate rises in their stride, because they had been widely anticipated rather than coming out of the blue.


UK interest rates have now risen four times since last summer, with some experts predicting further increases to come.

Consumers tightening their belts was likely, the bank said.

"With high price expectations and the recent rate rise we're likely to see some slowdown in consumer spending but with job security remaining strong, the impact won't be drastic," Trevor Williams, chief economist at Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets, said.

Last week, the Nationwide Building Society said that consumer confidence was at its highest since October 2006.


Legal action over ABN bank sale

The row over LaSalle has jeopardised the ABN Amro takeover
Bank of America has appealed against the decision of a Dutch Court to block its $21bn (£10.5bn) purchase of ABN Amro's US bank, LaSalle.
The appeal, filed in the Dutch Supreme Court, claims that it was wrong to prevent the sale going ahead.

Control of LaSalle is key to the continuing takeover battle for ABN between Barclays Bank and a consortium led by Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).

If either deal went through, it would be the biggest in banking history.


The RBS consortium, which also includes Spain's Santander and Belgian-Dutch bank Fortis, has said it would be willing to offer $96.4bn for ABN Amro, but this offer is conditional on it gaining control of LaSalle.

Barclays, on the other hand, wants the sale of LaSalle to go through and its friendly $62.6bn deal is dependent on that happening.

A Bank of America spokesman said that the appeal alleged that US laws should govern the sale of LaSalle and not Dutch ones, meaning that Amsterdam's Superior Court should not have intervened.

The Dutch court has also been wrong to rule that ABN shareholders must approve the LaSalle sale, Bank of America said.

The RBS consortium eventually plans to break up ABN if it wins control of the Dutch bank, while Barclays has pledged to shift the enlarged group's headquarters to Amsterdam if its bid is successful.

The sale of ABN Amro was sparked by a campaign by the Children's Investment Fund, which wanted the Dutch bank to break itself up to maximise shareholder value.

Monday, May 14, 2007

My adrress

Spider-Man 3's success continues

Spider-Man 3 sees Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst in the lead roles
Spider-Man 3 has remained the most popular film in North America, earning six times as much as its nearest rival on its second weekend of release.
The action movie generated $60m (£30.3m) in three days, early estimates suggest, compared to $10m (£5.1m) for British drama 28 Weeks Later.

The film is the sequel to London-based zombie thriller 28 Days Later, and made its debut at number two.

Georgia Rule, starring Jane Fonda and Lindsay Lohan, was new at number three.


1. Spider-Man 3 ($60.0m)
2. 28 Weeks Later ($10.0m, pictured)
3. Georgia Rule ($5.9m)
4. Disturbia ($4.8m)
5. Delta Farce ($3.5m)
6. Fracture ($2.9m)
7. The Invisible ($2.2m)
8. Hot Fuzz ($1.7m)
9=. Next ($1.6m)
9=. Meet the Robinsons ($1.6m)
Source: Media By Numbers

Surveillance thriller Disturbia, a former chart-topper, fell two places to fourth place, while war parody Delta Farce entered at this week's number five.

Spider-Man 3 suffered a 60% drop from its opening weekend, more than either of its two predecessors.

But film studio Columbia said it was unconcerned about the difference given the movie's record-breaking first weekend, when it earned $151m (£76.1m).

Industry analysts believe it is unlikely that Spider-Man 3 will secure a third week on top in the US and Canada, however, as next weekend sees the release of animated comedy Shrek the Third.

And the third film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, At World's End, is then due for release the following week.


Google searches web's dark side

Malicious programs are installed by visits to a booby-trapped site
One in 10 web pages scrutinised by search giant Google contained malicious code that could infect a user's PC.
Researchers from the firm surveyed billions of sites, subjecting 4.5 million pages to "in-depth analysis".

About 450,000 were capable of launching so-called "drive-by downloads", sites that install malicious code, such as spyware, without a user's knowledge.

A further 700,000 pages were thought to contain code that could compromise a user's computer, the team report.

To address the problem, the researchers say the company has "started an effort to identify all web pages on the internet that could be malicious".

Phantom sites

Drive-by downloads are an increasingly common way to infect a computer or steal sensitive information.

They usually consist of malicious programs that automatically install when a potential victim visits a booby-trapped website.

"To entice users to install malware, adversaries employ social engineering," wrote Google researcher Niels Provos and his colleagues in a paper titled The Ghost In The Browser.

Finding all the web-based infection vectors is a significant challenge and requires almost complete knowledge of the web

Google researchers
Hi-tech crime

Avoiding attacks

"The user is presented with links that promise access to 'interesting' pages with explicit pornographic content, copyrighted software or media. A common example are sites that display thumbnails to adult videos."

The vast majority exploit vulnerabilities in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser to install themselves.

Some downloads, such as those that alter bookmarks, install unwanted toolbars or change the start page of a browser, are an annoyance. But increasingly, criminals are using drive-bys to install keyloggers that steal login and password information.

Other pieces of malicious code hijack a computer turning it into a "bot", a remotely controlled PC.

Drive-by downloads represent a shift away from traditional methods of infecting a computer, such as spam and email attachments.

Attack plan

As well as characterising the scale of the problem on the net, the Google study analysed the main methods by which criminals inject malicious code on to innocent web pages.

Spam e-mails are a common way to infect a computer

It found that the code was often contained in those parts of the website not designed or controlled by the website owner, such as banner adverts and widgets.

Widgets are small programs that may, for example, display a calendar on a webpage or a web traffic counter. These are often downloaded from third-party sites.

The rise of web 2.0 and user-generated content gave criminals other channels, or vectors, of attack, it found.

For example, postings in blogs and forums that contain links to images or other content could unwittingly infect a user.

The study also found that gangs were able to hijack web servers, effectively taking over and infecting all of the web pages hosted on the computer.

In a test, the researchers' computer was infected with 50 different pieces of malware by visiting a web page hosted on a hijacked server.

The firm is now in the process of mapping the malware threat.

Google, part of the StopBadware coalition, already warns users if they are about to visit a potentially harmful website, displaying a message that reads "this site may harm your computer" next to the search results.

"Marking pages with a label allows users to avoid exposure to such sites and results in fewer users being infected," the researchers wrote.

However, the task will not be easy, they say.

"Finding all the web-based infection vectors is a significant challenge and requires almost complete knowledge of the web as a whole," they wrote.
(Source :

What's AJAX

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.

AJAX is a type of programming made popular in 2005 by Google (with Google Suggest).

AJAX is not a new programming language, but a new way to use existing standards.

With AJAX you can create better, faster, and more user-friendly web applications.

AJAX is based on JavaScript and HTTP requests.
